While you first enter the museum, you’d find all kinds of paper related goods, from traditional, contemporary, creative, artistic, and design orientated exhibiting on a well organized and thoughtful design space.
The museum Natural creation, the traditional culture of innovation, all show innovative design culture and art, the art into life, but also combine characteristics of Taiwan’s history and culture.
Various selection of colorful paper tapes.
Home-made paper kit with colorful paper pulp selection.
The museum also has a small factory demonstrating the process and methods of hand sheet paper making, from soaking, staming, bleaching to drying.
The museum uses “Paper” as mediums to exert people generate ideas, combine life, culture and nature with artistic creativity.
At present, the paper making industry with plant fiber raw materials can be divided into two categories:
1. Wood fiber raw materials:
Vegetable fibers obtained directly from the trees, respectively by the bark, loofah, divination blocks white bamboo shoots, Tetrapanax, hemp, leather and other fibers to produce Chu;
2. Non-wood fiber raw materials:
Grass divided fiber material, bast fiber material and seed hair fiber material.
For a hand-sheet making, there is the concept of recycling waste paper can be shredded, add water into the blender labeled as a paste, made into a pulp.
Before making the hand-sheets, the narrator invited us to taste the sweet-scented osmanthus tea for which we’re going to use.
Hand-sheets material: osmanthus, white pulp, osmanthus leaves.
There are two different kinds of paper pulp materials. The short fiber paper pulp is made from the tropical broadleaf wood and the long fiber paper pulp is from the boreal coniferous wood. This time, we use the longer fiber paper pulp to make the hand sheet.
Making pulp trees to tropical regions broadleaf wood into pulp and boreal regions spun into long fiber coniferous wood pulp. This time we use the long-fiber pulp.
Hand-sheets making process:
Blend the pulp into a basin of water and sprinkle with a grasp of the sweet-scented osmanthus leaves.
Stir the paper pulp water back and forth three times while placing the filter kit into the basin
Remove the filter kit from the basin and you can clearly see the paper pulp and osmanthus leaves blended scatterly together.
Then, place a couple sheets of dry paper on top of the filter kit and press it as hard as you can.
Next, flip filter kit upside down and wipe the water out from the filter screen with a cloth.
Pick the osmanthus pulp out from the filter kit and then place it onto a sheet of dry paper.
You’d almost have your own osmanthus-hand-sheets.
You can also add some personal touch onto the hand-sheets by adding leaves prints or keep the leaves on the hand-sheets before drying the pulp on the filter kit.
If you want to keep the leaves, just topped it with a little pulp water.
圖左:葉子保留在手抄紙上; 圖右:拓印葉脈在手抄紙上
Two different methods : Keeping the Leaves or leave print on the hand-sheets.
Finally, placing the hand-sheet onto the heated platform provided by the factory.
(if you make this at home, you can either use a iron or just simply attach the hand-sheet onto the windows for drying).
Finished product:
Osmanthus paper with a touch of sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance.
Osmanthus paper with leaves.
Osmanthus paper with leave prints.
Leaves with veins and handsheets, a looming, a significant, both feeling with different flavors.
Trip to Suho Paper Memorial Museum experienced making handsheets in which many adults and children have fun together to see the parent-child experience.
The whole family have joy, through hand-made fun of, understand paper, know every piece of paper are all the hard-won , so cherish the resources around us.
Experience the soul “the paper path,” to love the earth, love the nature and learn the environmental protection concept.
樹火紀念紙博物館一般資訊 / 交通 / 票價
Suho Memorial Paper Museum
開館時間:週一~週六上午9:30 ~下午4:30 ,1F賣店至下午5:00
地 址:台北市104中山區長安東路二段68號
電 話:02-2507-5535
傳 真:02-2506-5195
部落格 :suhomuseum.blogspot.com
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